Video and Sound Production Project 1

15.9.2023 - 22.9.2023 / Week 3 - Week 4
Tan Jian Xin / 0350784
Video and Sound Production / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Project 1 / Audio Editing Exercises

Week 3
We were assigned to edit sound effects and audio dubbing to a muted video clip given to us by Mr. Martin. He taught us how to pitch a man's voice to a woman's voice and vice versa by using the pitch shifter tool in Pr, Adobe Premiere Pro. Besides, he also taught us how to use add audio transition (crossfade) for each audio. 

Sound effects are from

Figure 1.1: Using effects workspace (audio transitions, time and pitch)

Figure 1.2: Screenshot of timeline

Before this, he told us to do an audio spreadsheet to record what type of sound we needed. Thus, I simply followed what I wrote in the spreadsheet and added ambient and sound effects.

Ambient + sound effects + dialogues (Attempt #1)

Week 4
We received feedbacks for our audio dubbing exercise. I made alterations to the followings after receiving feedback from Mr. Martin:
- Stomping on ground (first step after getting off car)
- Ambience at every scene (overlap as I check volume)
- Squeaky sound of opening wooden door
- Lower volume while hearing from phone
- Lighter street ambience
- Include fade in and fade out for every audio

Figure 1.3: Screenshot of audio timeline for whole video

Ambient + sound effects + dialogues (Attempt #2)

Week 7 
Exercise 2 (Sound Shaping)
We were taught to use Adobe Audition (Au) for sound shaping exercise. After importing the audio, we were instructed to add a multitrack.

Figure 2.1: Adding multitrack for editing

Figure 2.2: Adding parametric equalizer in Adobe Audition (Au)

Figure 2.3: Bass, midtone, and treble sections of parametric equalizer

Figure 2.4: phone track 

Figure 2.5: exporting entire session of multitrack mixdown

After the tutorial, we were instructed to record our own voice using our phone and import it to Adobe Audition (Au) to do sound shaping. I did the phone call editing in a flash. However, I found that the alien sound is very weird but it is fun to tweak the sounds to make them sound like they are from different places.

Figure 2.6: Trying out sounds from toilet, cave, closet, and alien

Submission of exercise 2: Sound shaping


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